Dave & Jess – Engaged

WOODY POINT ENGAGEMENT                                                                     23.03.13

Dave and Jess have something special. Spend 5 minutes with these guys and you’ll soon see their love for each other knows no boundaries.

Dave and Jess are set to wed in September in a beautiful CBD destination. Tara and I cannot wait to photograph this wedding.

Woody Point wedding engagement  photography

Woody Point wedding engagement  photography

Woody Point wedding engagement  photography

Woody Point wedding engagement  photography

Woody Point wedding engagement  photography

Woody Point wedding engagement  photography

Woody Point wedding engagement  photography

Woody Point wedding engagement  photography

Woody Point wedding engagement  photography

Woody Point wedding engagement  photography

Woody Point wedding engagement  photography

Woody Point wedding engagement  photography

Woody Point wedding engagement  photography

Woody Point wedding engagement  photography

Woody Point wedding engagement  photography

Woody Point wedding engagement  photography

Woody Point wedding engagement  photography

Woody Point wedding engagement  photography

Woody Point wedding engagement  photography

Woody Point wedding engagement  photography

Woody Point wedding engagement  photography

Woody Point wedding engagement  photography