In a nutshell, we are a husband a wife team of photographers. We each have our own strengths and work together to get the most for everyone.

Who Are We?


I have had a love of cameras and the art of photography since I was in single digits, often borrowing my mums SLR camera and experimenting with different subjects, unfortunately mostly to be disappointed with the results due to lack of knowledge. Perfection is a hard thing to achieve for an active young man! But what I did work out was that I was visually minded and my fascination with photography fast became an obsession; an obsession with capturing priceless moments in time. Photography to me is about the raw and powerful feelings that a single image can evoke.
– Lived in Canada for 7 months in ’04-05 and Snowboarded 5 days a week.
– Doesn’t care whether its a Nikon or a Canon, or a new Fuji Mirrorless or Film, the real creativity comes from within. (But for the record, I do shoot with a bag full of Nikon Cameras!)
– Has a size 9.5 shoe.
– Does not look good with a moustache! But I’ve now had a beard for the last 7 years
– Would love a puppy.
(2021 update: We got a puppy! A Maltese-Shihtzu named Luna!)
– Would live, eat and breathe through a camera if it were possible.


Photography has always been something I have been drawn too, although I didn’t always know it. As all teenagers did, I read magazines to keep up with the current goss so I wouldn’t be the odd one out when topics were discussed at school, but I seemed to take in a lot more than most people would when flicking through the pages. I would notice the way the models stood and were positioned on the page; I was also drawn to pages that were well laid out and designed to draw your attention to a certain spot. But all of this was quite unconscious to me until I reached Year 10 and enrolled in my school’s Photography class. I absolutely loved this subject and found that my subconscious knowledge of composition and presentation really propelled me to produce some great images, both in capturing the photo and the processing of it. Flash forward 14 years, gone were the SLR film cameras and darkrooms and we welcomed in digital photography! When I met Ray he already had an interest in photography, but the combination of both our skills really propelled us forward. He invested in some quality DSLRs and the rest is history.

– I am a Primary School Teacher in my other life and teach in the lower school!
– I can speak with an American accent on cue due to living as an exchange student in Michigan when I was 15.
– I am awesome at Guitar Hero.
– Agrees that Ray looks horrible with a moustache! and I have to admit the beard has grown on me.
– Loves reading and cooking, and also combining the two by flicking through cookbooks!
– Our kids are just mini versions of us. Rylie is a big creative like Ray but also very sporty like me. Benji has the computer and mechanical mind of Ray but with the logic and organisation of me (well, some days he has organisation skills, can’t ask too much from a 7 year old boy!)